Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Apple CEO Tim Cook open to removing pre-installed apps on iOS

A complaint that has been levied throughout the iOS updates is directed at the inability to remove preinstalled apps. This objection has only gained more momentum with new app introductions, including the Apple Watch app, News, Find My Friends, and Tips, which may never be opened by users but cannot be deleted.
In a Buzzfeed interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook, the head honcho himself, was open to the idea of removing apps built by the company.
“This is a more complex issue than it first appears,” he says. “There are some apps that are linked to something else on the iPhone. If they were to be removed they might cause issues elsewhere on the phone. There are other apps that aren't like that. So over time, I think with the ones that aren't like that, we'll figure out a way [for you to remove them].”
It isn't a promise, but it's a start.
Cook said Apple's job is to make you happy and this should extend to offering ways to free up space. That said, Apple would need to find a happy medium, since it does not want to jeopardize its position in the services battle against Google, Microsoft or other competitors.
Apple already made adjustments to the iOS 9 update size to make sure iPhone and iPad owners were able to update without issues.
We doubt Apple will ever allow users to remove apps like iTunes Store, FaceTime or Apple Music, but miscellaneous apps like Photo Booth, iBooks, Podcasts, and Newsstand could all face the chop in future versions of iOS.
In iOS 9, Apple will preinstall Find My Friends and Find My iPhone. Both apps have been available in previous versions, but did not come with the inability to delete them. Apple will also bring transit maps, News, Wallet, and spotlight search to iOS 9, adding another 1GB of software before the customer has even opened their iPhone.

Source: Digital Trends  


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