Sunday, October 18, 2015

Google Removes "OK Google" Voice Command From Desktop Chrome

This week has seen an interesting update rolling out to Chrome OS. The update brings the stable version of Chrome OS up to version 46 and with it came a few notable aspects like a Material Design injection to the gallery, an improved ability to search making it more universal and also improved Wi-Fi scanner. Well, the Chrome 46 update has also now began rolling out to users on Android and Chrome for desktop and it seems that as well adding a number of features, this update is taking away some of them too and ones that you might not actually be expected.
“OK Google” is one of the most notable features on any Android or Chrome running device. The ability to say the sentence and have your device respond from whatever page or app you are running is a useful feature. However, to make use of this feature, the device must have its 'always listening' feature activated. Well, it seems this is one of the specific features which has been removed in the latest update to Chrome for desktop. To clarify, users will still be able to use the voice search function on desktop, but they will not be able to activate it by using the OK Google voice command. Instead, users will have to prompt the feature by manually hitting the mic icon on a relative Google page.
Of course, this is not the first feature which has been announced to be leaving Chrome this week as a couple of days ago, Google did confirm they were removing the notifications center featurefrom Chrome on Mac, Windows and Linux. This was apparently due to a lack of people using the feature. It seems unlikely that was the case for the removal of the OK Google feature, although, it is presumed Google has their reasons. For those wondering, the notification center feature and the OK Google feature are still live on Chrome OS devices and according to the information, it seems both feature will be remaining in tact on this platform. Users on mobile, will also continue to be able to use the voice activated OK Google phrase.

Source : Venture Beat 

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