Monday, November 23, 2015

Google new Star Wars site urges you to choose a side

One downside of being a billion-dollar movie studio that owns one of history's most popular film series is that it's hard getting the word out about new releases. Take Disney, which is struggling to inform the population that there's a seventh episode of the Star Wars saga coming out in a few weeks. Thankfully, the folks at Google have noticed the studio's plight, and decided to help out by offering customized themes for everyone's favorite internet services.

Head over to and you'll be able to pick from the light or dark sides of the force and watch as the firm's products are instantly seeded with tons of themed easter eggs. Chrome tabs, for instance, will show you pictures of crashed Star Destroyers, while the Street View marker in Maps gets re-clothed as a Rebel Alliance pilot or as a Stormtrooper. Even fan-favorite, the lovable yet scruffy-lookin' rogue known as YouTube gets a lightsaber-colored playback bar depending on which side you pick.
Of course, it's also Doctor Who's 52nd birthday today, but Google even forgot to send a card, so they're clearly too busy craving excitement and adventure.

Source :Engadget 

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