Friday, November 20, 2015

Samsung Announces BRITECELL, A New Camera Technology

Samsung is currently the number one smartphone OEM in the world. This Korea-based smartphone OEM has introduced a number of smartphone this year, including four flagships, two flagship smartphones, and two flagship phablets. All of these devices sport the same main camera, and is regarded as one of the best shooter in a smartphone at the moment. Well, it seems like Samsung is trying to improve it even more. I don’t know if you recall, but we’ve talked about Samsung’s ‘BRITECELL‘ camera trademark earlier this month. Well, Samsung has decided to unveil the tech already, read on.
The BRITECELL camera tech was announced at Samsung Electronics 2015 Investors Forum, and ‘BRITECELL’ is also regarded as ‘Bright Cell Technology’. So, what’s the gist? Well, BRITECELL actually replaces the traditional green pixel in the RGB, with a white pixel in order to create RWB of brighter images, and this will reportedly help quite a lot in low-lit conditions. BRITECELL sensor also contains the ‘Smart WDR’, a which stands for ‘Wide Dynamic Range’, and this should help with details quite a lot according to Samsung. PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus) tech is also built in here, by the way, as it was the case with a number of mobile camera sensors this year.
”When we take a picture in the left side, for example, there is like a dark spot and a very bright part. And you just expose yourself per unit from across the pixel, you have to focus on just one of them. So, when you focus picture exposure based on the dark side. Then bright side became just too bright and the vice versa. So, there is some smart way to control it so that you can take a good quality of image from the dark side of the – dark part of the picture, as well as the bright part of the picture. And that’s a smart – the wide dynamic range that we introduced. So, basically, adjacent pixels, we can control the different exposure time from one pixel to the next pixel just as sitting next to it. And again, without a good separation between these two, you cannot fully take advantage of that kind of smart WDR,” said Samsung during the announcement.
Now, it is worth mentioning that Samsung announced a 16-megapixel camera sensor with 1.0 micron pixels for smartphoens back in July. This sensor is only 5mm high, and is approximately 20% thinner than the current 1.12 micron 16-megapixel sensors out there. So, will the BRITECELL tech be included in the Galaxy S7? Well, yeah, quite probably, this seems like the perfect time for Samsung to introduce tech they intend to release in a couple of months.

Source : Recode 

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