Mozilla on Tuesday pushed Firefox 46 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The latest version of the popular web browser is a pretty small update in terms of new desktop features with Mozilla instead focusing most of its attention on Android and behind-the-scenes security and stability improvements (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
The biggest change on the desktop side is GTK3 integration for Linux users (I told you it was pretty dull).
The full desktop change log is as follows:
- Improved security of the JavaScript Just In Time (JIT) Compiler
- Correct rendering for scaled SVGs that use a clip and a mask
- Screen reader behavior with blank spaces in Google Docs corrected
- WebRTC fixes to improve performance and stability
- Display dominator trees in Memory tool
- Allocation and garbage collection pause profiling in the performance panel
- Launch responsive mode from the Style Editor @media sidebar
- Added support for document.elementsFromPoint
- Added HKDF support for Web Crypto API
- Various security fixes
- Notifications about tabs opened in the background now list the URLs
- Firefox will request permissions at runtime instead of installation time (Android 6.0+)
- History and Bookmarks items added to menu
- Include default domains for inline autocompletion
- Clearer homescreen shortcut icons
- Add-ons that have not been verified and signed by Mozilla will not load
- Keep track of tab history under memory pressure
- Text to speech function in TalkBack now works while users swipe right
- Removed support for Firefox Sync 1.1 in favor of Firefox Accounts
- Top Sites panel now lists popular sites by default
- Dropped support for Android Honeycomb (version 3)
- Various security fixes
Source: TechSpot
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