seems that Activision’s popular shooter series Call of Duty will not be
receiving the warmest reception when it releases later this year.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was announced earlier this week to tepid applause. Looking at the YouTube
video for the latest reveal trailer, gamers are not to thrilled with
the new game. It’s possible that franchise fatigue is setting in, as
there has been a new Call of Duty game every year since 2007. Activision
did announce that Infinite Warfare would be bundled with a remastered version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which is beloved by fans.
of publishing, the video has more than 12.2 million views, with 235,903
likes and 885,553 dislikes. Many of the comments express dissatisfaction
with where the series has been heading. Since its more realistic roots
with Modern Warfare, the series has been getting steadily
crazier, and is currently pursuing sci-fi-inspired technology themes.
Another reason for the dislikes is the fact thatthe Modern Warfare re-master
will not be sold separately, meaning that if gamers want to relive the
glory of the 2007 hit, they’ll need to pay the Infinite Warfare ransom.
the Call of Duty series does have its fair share of critics, the games
tend to sell phenomenally well. But the number of dislikes this reveal
trailer has received is not at all par for the course. Compared to
previous reveal trailers, Infinite Warfare seems to really have struck a nerve, and not a good one. The last Call of Duty game, Black Ops III, sits at over 22 million views, with 394k likes to 79k dislikes. The one prior to that, Advanced Warfare, featuring Kevin Spacey, has over 30 million views with 222k likes to 50k dislikes.
fatigue is definitely real. Gamers may have grown tired of the
relentless Call of Duty push this past decade. Other popular franchises
like Assassin’s Creed have decided to
stop the annual release schedule in hopes of creating some breathing
room for consumers. If things go poorly for this iteration of Call of
Duty, it will be interesting to see what Activision does to increase
consumer confidence.
Source: Digital Trends
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