You would think that using your fingerprint to unlock your smartphone is as secure as it gets, but that's not always the case. If you're using an Android phone you might want to pay attention to this one.
FireEye researchers Tao Wei and Yulong Zhang demonstrated at the Black Hat conference how hackers can remotely steal fingerprints without the owner of the device ever knowing about it. Even more dangerous, this can be done on a “large scale.”
The “Fingerprint Sensor Spying Attack” works with Samsung, HTC, and Huawei phones. According to Wei and Zhang, some manufacturers fail to lock down the fingerprint sensor. Apparently some are only guarded by system-level privileges instead of root, which makes it easier to hack into. Most security-related software requires root access, making it more complicated for hackers to thwart.
It wasn't explained how the hacker actually gains access to the fingerprint sensor itself, but the attacker can continue to read fingerprints for the life of the phone once the attack is in place.
It was also shown that through a different attack, “Confused Authorization Attack,” how a hacker could provide a fake lock screen that would actually enable a money transfer in the background once a fingerprint is accepted. The report didn't indicate if any current phones are actually vulnerable to this type of attack though.
Obtaining a fingerprint could be very serious since they are not only used to unlock the device, but also used to make mobile payments and banking transactions. Fingerprints are also tied to you personally and obviously cannot be altered or changed.
It's not clear how panicked you need to be on this one. Wei and Zhang demoed the Fingerprint Sensor Spying Attack on the older Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One Max, but didn't mention if the newer Galaxy S6 or Galaxy S6 Edge has the same vulnerability. Furthermore, the report indicates that both Samsung and HTC issued patches after being notified about the vulnerability.
Now, if you happen to be an iPhone user, you will be happy to know that Apple does a better job at encrypting the fingerprint data from the scanner. The good news is that Google is implementing fingerprint security support in Android M, so it's likely to be more secure on all Android phones moving forward. Speaking of that, Wei and Zhang recommend that consumers always buy the latest phones with the latest software for better protection.
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