Friday, September 25, 2015

Activate your favourite Windows voice assistant with a button

Remember buttons guys? We used to use them before voice controls and touch screens. There's something nice about the tactile feel of them, even if they aren't great for space saving. Still, some people may prefer them over some of the more contemporary input methods we have today, especially those who don't like the idea of their computer straining to understand them as they pronounce that ever-exciting keyword to get things kick-started.
Perhaps that's why Satechi has created what it's calling its Cortana button, which you can use to activate Microsoft's digital assistant software without using your voice. That means that you can turn off the ever-listening function which can not only drain batteries, but can cause privacy concerns too.
The Cortana button avoids that, while at the same time offering quite a contemporary take on the idea of a button. It's Bluetooth-enabled, so it hooks up to your compatible phone, PC, or tablet and can be attached to your belt buckle, keys, or car steering wheel, depending on when and where you might want to use it.
It also works right off of the bat, with no need for specialized hardware or applications. Simply pair it up and press it, and Cortana will show up to answer your questions and queries.
Yes, it may be a bit gimmicky and pretty unnecessary if you are happy to have your phone listen in for when you call Cortana by her name, but for those who would rather save on battery life and keep prying ears — be they synthetic or otherwise — out of their home, then this is a reasonable solution to that problem.
It does cost $24 though. Do you think that's too much for a button that calls Cortana?

Source : Digital Trends 


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