Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Evernote is getting a major revamp, launches new notetaking beta app for Mac and Windows

Evernote has plans to rebuild itself from the ground up, and some users will begin to see changes to the infrastructure starting this week. The productivity app company revealed that it has spent the past two years working on these updates, and now desktop beta users will get a chance to check them out.
One of the main areas targeted in the upgrade is the text editing feature, which Evernote says was “designed around a framework that was optimized for the platform you were typing on,” namely your Windows or Apple device. So it has set out to “tear out … the old pipes and rebuild them entirely.”
Some of the improvements you’ll see include sharper bulleted lists, pasted content, and improved image and table management. Now you’ll also be able to utilize basic markdown in your notes.
It seems that instead of building siloed apps, Evernote is going to focus its efforts on developing apps that will work across as many platforms as possible, which could certainly help accelerate productivity. “We’ll improve the note editing experience and won’t rest until we are the best way to type words into a computer or phone. That’s our mission,” the company said in a blog post.
Starting today, you can sign up for Evernote’s Windows and Mac beta program to let the company know what the experience is like and how it can be improved.

Source : Venture Beat 


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