Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spotify Now Has 30 Million Subscribers

Spotify is one of the most widely used online music streaming services. Many were of the view that it will experience a slowdown in growth when Apple Music arrived on the scene. So far Spotify has been holding its own against Apple’s service. Today Spotify CEO announced that Spotify now has more than 30 million subscribers across the globe.

This is the first time that Spotify has given actual numbers since it announced that it had reached 20 million subscribers back in June last year. This goes to show that in less than a year, and during the time that Apple Music has been around, Spotify has been able to increase its subscriber base by 10 million.

During these nine months Apple Music has raked in 11 million subscribers while in the same period Spotify has added an additional 10 million subscribers to its existing base of 20 million. It’s still miles ahead of the competition and certainly seeks to keep it that way.

Spotify will need to keep up this momentum if it wants to stay ahead of the pack and particularly Apple Music that’s owned by one of the biggest companies on the planet, and that company also happens to make the most popular smartphone on the planet.

That synergy between its products and services and not to mention the big marketing war chest at its disposal makes Apple Music a tough customer for the likes of Spotify.

Source: Ubergizmo


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