Sunday, May 15, 2016

Document Sharing is now available on whatsapp web


Earlier this year, WhatsApp updated their app to allow users to share documents with each other. Prior to this, users could only send each other videos, photos, and audio files, but the update allowed users to share documents like PDFs with each other. The good news is that if you rely on the web version of WhatsApp heavily, the same feature has arrived on the desktop as well.

Admittedly the web version of WhatsApp has always felt very barebones in the sense in the sense that the mobile version had more features than it. However this update should change that as users will now be able to send documents to one another, but we should point out that this will require all WhatsApp users to have the latest version of the app.

This means if for some reason the person you’re sending a document to does not have the latest version of WhatsApp that supports document sharing, then the feature would be moot. The same will apply to you. That being said, it looks like the desktop version of WhatsApp (that was launched a few days ago) has been updated with the same features, so it seems that all WhatsApp users will be able to share documents across mobile devices, the web, and the desktop.

Source: Ubergizmo


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