Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sony has sold more than 30M PS4s to date

Sony said today that it has sold more than 30.2 million PlayStation 4 video game consoles to date.
The worldwide sales show that Sony is definitively leading the console war in this generation. Microsoft and Nintendo haven’t announced their own comparative figures, but the Xbox One has sold an estimated 15.6 million units and the Wii U has sold an estimated 10.9 million, according toVGChartz, a site that keeps a rough tally of console sales.
Sony said that the PS4 continues to show the fastest and strongest growth in PlayStation hardware history.
“We are sincerely grateful that gamers across the globe have continued to choose PS4 as the best place to play since launch two years ago,” said Andrew House, president and global CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony’s game division, in a statement. “We are committed to bringing engaging games and entertainment services to users worldwide. Thanks to the support of our partners, PS4 continues to be the premier platform for game and interactive entertainment innovation.”
New titles coming soon include Dragon Quest Builders, Ryu Ga Gotoku Kiwami, Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition, and Gravity Rush Remastered. Next year, Sony is launching Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

Source : Venture Beat 

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